Sunday, 18 January 2015

Raise Your Vibration With Gratitude

One of the fundamental aspects of Ho'oponopono practice is the requirement that we stay positive and in as high a state of vibrational energy as possible. The stress and strain of everyday living makes this easier said than done: I'll be addressing this issue in a series of articles over the few weeks and looking at techiniques that will not only help us raise our vibrationary level but keep it there..


"You are not starving to death somewhere.   You have clean water to drink.  You have a roof to sleep under.  But on top of the endless list of things you could be grateful for, here is something to think about.  You are on a massive rock whirling around a ball of fire at a speed of 108,000 kph. The sun itself is whizzing along the outskirts of the galactic arm at a rate of 792,000 km/h,  and our Milky Way galaxy itself is moving at almost 1 million kph.  Nobody knows what caused the universe, why it is here, why/how subjectivity or consciousness exists, or how life formed out of dead inert matter in the first place.  I personally believe there is an Intelligence behind it all, but whatever your beliefs may be, here is the most amazing fact of all:

13.6 billion years of star formation and destruction, of chemical evolution, of biological evolution, of countless miraculous events that led to the formation of plants, moons, and ultimately to conscious beings took place so that YOU could experience this moment.  Right now.  The universe went through all of this so it could experience itself through your perspective.  YOU are a f**king miracle.  Life is so amazing.  Look outside.  Here the birds.  Feel the wind.   You are on a planet in outer space, and nobody knows how or why anything exists at all.  Take a look at your friends, your loved ones, and just sit with the internal realization that everything around you is literally a miracle.  We so often forget how lucky we are to experience anything at all.  Taking a moment to remember the preciousness of life is something that always brings your energetic state to a completely new level." Steven Bancarz

- Article Source: Spirit, Science & Metaphysics
practice gratitude

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Ho'oponopono - Heal Your Life and Your Environment!

Interesting article here from Patricia Anaya on her experiences when first using the Ho'oponopono process...I love hearing first hand accounts from other Ho'oponopono practioners; if you would like to share your own experiences on this blog just get in touch :-)
Anyway here's Patricia's story:
"I like to visit a Law of Attraction forum every day. A lot of wise people give their opinions and advice there. I've learned a lot from them! Also, I visit this forum to find out what kind of personal "issues" people are struggling with. Three months ago, I saw a forum called "Ho'oponopono," and I didn't recognize the subject matter, so I didn't open it.
Last week I was reading a book called, "Attract Money Now" by Joe Vitale. In the last - bonus - chapter he writes about "Ho'oponopono," which prompted me to re-visit the forum I saw and read it. While I was reading the book - a digital version - I was also reading my e-mails too. I was struggling with one of my customers (and friend) about some changes (changes, changes and more changes!) on his work. I decided to tell him what I thought about the changes by writing him a very polite but critical e-mail, explaining what I thought he should do. I was afraid he may get mad at me - so as I pushed the send button, I repeated these words: "I'm sorry and I love you" a few times. I'd just read about "Ho'oponopono" and Joe Vitale wrote about an experience with an e-mail in his book. Five minutes later, I got an e-mail from my customer with these words: "I love you when you boss me"... saying understood my e-mail. I was "shocked"... and I read the e-mail over and over again.
When authors write about these types of occurrences or about "miracles" in their lives, I have my doubts about them, like most of you, but when I noticed how many "miracles" have been happening in my life since I'm living on Happiness every day (and practicing the Law of Attraction), I need to allow them some credit...." continued here: FULL ARTICLE
inspirational thoughts

Friday, 16 January 2015

The Law of Rhythm

This week Universal Law number 11- The Law of Rhythm
Law of Rhythm: Everything in the Universe vibrates and moves in certain rhythms-
“Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."- The Kybalion
These rhythms form the cycles and patterns we see in our lives; the rise and fall of our nations and economies, “The Circle of Life” as they call it in the movie “The Lion King”.
By remembering that the pendulum always swings back, we can view the events in our lives in a more balanced way-
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”- Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


A lovely example of a ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono prayer from Morrnah Simeona courtesy of Star

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as one …

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness … 

Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light...
And it is done..."


Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Continuing with our look at the Laws of the Universe; This week the Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy -

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: This little known law is at the very core of Ho’oponopono. It states that each of us has the ability to change the circumstances of our lives.
Higher vibrations always have the power to consume and transmute lower vibrations. We are never trapped no matter the circumstances of our lives. The Universe always allows us the opportunity to grow and evolve and is constantly giving us opportunities to do so. All we have to do is raise our vibration and take action.

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”- Albert Einstein  (1879-1955)

If you are on the right path, if you face each day with love and compassion then The Divine will give you all the help and assistance you need- Be sure of that...


Readers' Favourite Review For Ho'oponopono Secrets

Hi Guys really pleased to have recieved a 5 Star review for my new E-Book Ho'oponopono Secrets from the popular book review site Reader's Favourite
I'm so happy the love is spreading..
You too can do your bit by sharing this post with any of your friends who might not have heard of Ho'oponopono...Peace :-)

Completed on:
Review Rating:
5 stars!
Reviewed By Suzanne Cowles for Readers’ Favorite What would you do if you could wash away all of the negative energy that plagues our lives each day? This karmic debt leads to physical illness, stress and unhappiness. The ancient Hawaiians knew the secret to living a fulfilling existence; it began with gratitude, simple compassion for others and practicing meditation daily. The mistakes we make are learning tools, but sometimes they can have an effect on others. Ho’oponopono is a way to release that bad energy and make amends. Anyone can say, “Thank you, I love you, I’m sorry and please forgive me”, but few understand the real power of doing so. Ho’oponopono Secrets: Four Phrases to Change the World One Love to Bind Them by Paul Jackson explains in easy to digest fashion how to make the world a better place. Taking responsibility for our actions begins with careful examination, self-reflection and being in a state of acceptance. Yet being conscious is more than just chanting mantras and touching others’ lives. We need to clear our minds of guilt, so that the connection to a Higher Power can flourish. Ho’oponopono Secrets: Four Phrases to Change the World One Love to Bind Them by Paul Jackson provides a guide to using this ancient spiritual practice in everyday life, and why it is so important in today’s age. As we move out of the technological age and reconnect as human beings, we need community and transformational healing. I really enjoyed reading about the philosophy and twelve Universal Laws that encompass the spiritual practice, and cannot wait to get started making right the wrong actions from the past.Check Out The Full Review Here : Ho’oponopono Secrets Review

Serge Kahili King

Continuing with our look at the teachers whose love, dedication and hard work has helped spread the wisdom of Ho'oponopono around the globe; This week Huna Teacher and Shaman; Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King, Ph. D., has published the world's largest selection of books and tapes on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. He also writes extensively on Hawaiian culture and is a novelist as well. Critics describe his style as "practical, down-to-earth, and easy to grasp." He maintains this clarity in his books, his audio and video tapes, and his articles...
Read Full Bio Here: Serge Kahili King BioSerge Kahili King

Law of Relativity

Happy New Year & Peace To All; First post of 2015 continuing with our look at the 12 Universal Laws-

The Law of Relativity: All things are relative. Nothing is good or bad unless we make it so-
It just is...

Nothing in our lives has any meaning unless it relates to us. Everything that exists in this physical world only does so because of it's relationship with something else; We can't experience Hot without knowing Cold, Up without Down, Light without Dark..

The lessons we set ourselves in this life are based around this law. How could we empathise with someone who has lost a child if we had never known loss ourselves? How could we comfort a friend with a broken heart if we hadn’t experienced the same?

Of course we don’t experience all these losses/lessons in this lifetime alone that would be overwhelming. We do though carry the memories of our previous lives experiences with us as we progress.

This is why you can feel such strong empathy, even grief, for someone who has lost a child. For though you might not have lost one yourself in this life, you can be pretty sure you have suffered this tragedy yourself in one of your past incarnations...


Ho'oponopono Works

Hi Folks found a fantastic website on Ho'oponopono practice by a lady called Tracey. It's packed full of practical advice and more importantly Tracey's personal experiences when first practising Ho'oponopono. Here's her introduction in her own words :

"Hooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian Art where you learn that everything that happens in your life is 100% your responsibility. Ho'oponopono through self identity, allows you to be responsible for all your actions, problems, and opportunities that come your way. By cleaning your subconscious, you open yourself up to inspiration by God or the Divine. Learn the next step to the law of attraction, and begin to change your life! Follow my story of using ho'oponopono in my life.."

Read the rest of the article on her site : Ho'oponopono Works


Dr Pam Pappas

Introducing another student of Dr Hew Len who's work and teachings are helping to spread the Ho'oponopono practice around the world; Dr Pam Pappas
Introduction in her own words;

"I'm a psychiatrist, classical homeopath, and coach -- plus a lover of nature and spirit too. I've been meditating for over 25 years; Ho'oponopono found me in 2005 and continues to be a profound gift in my life. This blog shares a little of my experience with Ho'oponopono, for anyone who might also be interested in walking this path. Much aloha to all, including my colleagues who care for others with their hands, hearts, and minds every day..." The Peaceful Doc

Her website contains over 7 years worth of Ho'oponopono information and insights and is highly recommended for anyone on the Ho'oponopono path :-)

Check it out here : THE PEACEFUL DOC

Dr Pam Pappas MD

Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono

New York Times contributor Deborah King interviews Morrnah Simeona & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len about their Ho'oponopono philosophy and work:

"We can appeal to Divinity who knows our personal blueprint, for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time," softly shares Morrnah Simeona. "It is a matter of going beyond traditional means of accessing knowledge about ourselves."

The process that Morrnah refers to is based on the ancient Hawaiian method of stress reduction (release) and problem solving called Ho'oponopono. The word Ho'oponopono means to make right, to rectify an error. Morrnah is a native Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au. Kahuna means "keeper of the secret" and Lapa'au means "a specialist in healing." She was chosen to be a kahuna while still a small child and received her gift of healing at the age of three. She is the daughter of a member of the court of Queen Liliuokalani, the last sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands. The process that is now brought forth is a modernization of an ancient spiritual cleansing ritual. It has proven so effective that she has been invited to teach this method at the United Nations, the World Health Organization and at institutions of healing throughout the world.

How does Ho'oponopono work? Morrnah explains, "We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a memory. It is the emotions which are tied to these memories which affect us now. The subconscious associates an action or person in the present with something that happened in the past. When this occurs, emotions are activated and stress is produced."

She continues..READ THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE : The Peace of I


100% Responsibility and the Promise of a Hot Fudge Sundae

100% Responsibility and the Promise of a Hot Fudge Sundae
An Interview with Ihaleakala Hew Len

By Cat Saunders:
How do you thank someone who has helped to set you free? How do you thank a man whose gentle spirit and zinger statements have forever altered the course of your life? Ihaleakala Hew Len is such a man for me.
Like a soul brother who shows up unexpectedly in an hour of need, Ihaleakala came into my life in March of 1985, during a time of massive change for me. I met him during a training called "Self I-Dentity Through Ho'oponopono," which he facilitated along with the late Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a native Hawaiian kahuna ("keeper of the secret").
For me, Ihaleakala and Morrnah are part of the rhythm of life. Though I love them both dearly, I don't really dwell on thoughts of them as people, yet their influence is always there for me, beating a steady pulse like African drums in the night.
In 1997, I had the honor of being asked to interview Ihaleakala by The Foundation of I, Inc. (Freedom of the Cosmos), an organization founded by Morrnah. It was an even greater honor to learn that he would be coming from his home in Hawaii to meet with me personally.
Dr. Ihaleakala S. Hew Len is the foundation's president and administrator. Together with Morrnah, Ihaleakala has worked with thousands of people over the years, including groups at the United Nations, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), International Human Unity Conference on World Peace, World Peace Conference, Traditional Indian Medicine Conference, Healers for Peace in Europe, and the Hawaii State Teachers Association.
Ihaleakala also has extensive experience working with developmentally disabled people and with the criminally mentally ill and their families. In all his work as an educator, the Ho'oponopono process supports and permeates every breath of his efforts.
Simply put, Ho'oponopono means, "to make right," or "to rectify an error." According to the ancient Hawaiians, error arises from thoughts that are tainted by painful memories from the past. Ho'oponopono offers a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts, or errors, which cause imbalance and disease.
Along with the updated Ho'oponopono process, Morrnah was guided to include the three parts of the self, which are the key to Self I-Dentity. These three parts—which exist in every molecule of reality—are called the Unihipili (child/subconscious), the Uhane (mother/conscious), and the Aumakua (father/superconscious).
When this "inner family" is in alignment, a person is in rhythm with the Divinity. With this balance, life begins to flow. Thus, Ho'oponopono helps restore balance in the individual first, and then in all of creation.
By introducing me to this three-part system, along with the most powerful forgiveness process I know (Ho'oponopono), Ihaleakala and Morrnah taught me this: the best way to bring healing to every part of my life—and to the entire universe—is to take 100% responsibility and work on myself. In addition, they taught the simple wisdom of total self-care. As Ihaleakala said in a thank-you note after our interview: "You take good care of yourself. If you do, all will be beneficiaries."
Once, Ihaleakala left for an entire afternoon in the middle of a training I was taking, because his Unihipili (child/subconscious) told him to go to his hotel and take a long nap. Of course, he was responsible about leaving, and Morrnah was there to teach. Even still, his exit made a lasting impression on me.
For someone like me, raised in a family and culture that admonished me to put others first, Ihaleakala's actions astounded and delighted me. He got his nap, and I got an unforgettable lesson in self-care.
Cat: Ihaleakala, when I met you in 1985, I'd just started private practice after working as a counselor in agencies for four years. I remember you said, "All therapy is a form of manipulation." I thought, "Jeez! What am I supposed to do now?" I knew you were right, so I almost quit! Obviously, I didn't, but that statement completely changed the way I work with people.
Ihaleakala: Manipulation happens when I (as a therapist) come from the idea that you are ill and I am going to work on you. On the other hand, it's not manipulation if I realize that you are coming to me to give me a chance to look at what's going on in me. There's a big difference.
If therapy is about your belief that you're there to save the other person, heal the other person, or direct the other person, then the information you bring will come out of the intellect, the conscious mind. But the intellect has no real understanding of problems and how to approach them. The intellect is so picayunish is its way of solving problems!
It doesn't realize that when a problem is solved by transmutation—by using Ho'oponopono or related processes—then the problem and everything related to it is solved, even at microscopic levels and back to the beginning of time.
So first of all, I think the most important question to ask is, "What is a problem?" If you ask people this, there's no clarity. Because there's no clarity, they make up some way of solving the problem
Cat: … as if the problem is "out there."
Ihaleakala: Yes. For example, the other day I got a call from the daughter of a woman who is 92. She said, "My mother's had these severe hip pains for several weeks."
While she's talking to me, I'm asking this question of the Divinity, "What is going on in me that I have caused that woman's pain?" And then I ask, "How is it that I can rectify that problem within me?" The answers to these questions come, and I do whatever I'm told.
Maybe a week later the woman calls me and says, "My mother's feeling better now!" This doesn't mean the problem won't recur, because there are often multiple causes for what appears to be the same problem.
Cat: I have a lot of recurring illness and chronic pain. I work with it all the time, using Ho'oponopono and other clearing processes to make amends for all the pain I've caused since the beginning of time.
Ihaleakala: Yes. The idea being that people like us are in the healing professions because we have caused a lot of pain.
Cat: Big time!
Ihaleakala: How wonderful to know that, and to have people pay us for having caused them their problems!
I said this to a woman in New York, and she said, "God, if only they knew!" But you see, nobody knows. Psychologists, psychiatrists, they keep thinking that they're there to help heal the other person.
So if someone like you comes to me, I say to the Divinity, "Please, whatever is going on in me that I have caused this pain in Cat, tell me how I can rectify it." And I will apply whatever information I'm given indefinitely, until your pain is gone or until you ask me to stop. It's not so much the effect that is important as the getting to the problem. That's the key.
Cat: You don't focus on the outcome, because we're not in charge of that.
Ihaleakala: Right. We can only petition.
  Cat: We also don't know when a particular pain or illness will shift.
Ihaleakala: Yes. Say a woman has been taking an herb that was suggested for her, and it's not working. Again, the question is "What's going on in me that this woman is experiencing this herb not working for her?" I would work on that. I would keep cleaning, keep my mouth closed, and allow the process of transmutation to take place.
As soon as you engage the intellect, the process stops. The thing to remember when some kind of healing doesn't seem to be working is this: there may be multiple errors—multiple problems or painful memories that are causing the pain. We know nothing! Only the Divinity knows what's really going on.
I gave a presentation out in Dallas last month, and I spoke with this woman, a Reiki master. I said, "Let me ask you a question. When somebody comes to you with a problem, where is that problem?" She looked puzzled when I said, "You're the one who caused the problem, so your client is going to pay you to heal your problem!" Nobody gets that.
Cat: 100% responsibility.
Ihaleakala: 100% knowing that you're the cause of the problem. 100% knowing that you have the responsibility, then, to rectify the error. Can you imagine if we all knew we are 100% responsible?
I made a deal with myself ten years ago that I would treat myself to a hot fudge sundae—so huge it would make me sick—if I could get through the day without having some judgment of someone. I've never been able to do it! I notice I catch myself more often, but I never get through a day.
So how do I get that across to people — that we are each 100% responsible for problems? If you want to solve a problem, no matter what kind of problem, work on yourself.
If the problem is with another person, for example, just ask yourself, "What's going on in me that's causing this person to bug me?" People only show up in your life to bug you! If you know that, you can elevate any situation, and you can release there. It's simple: "I'm sorry for whatever's going on. Please forgive me."
Cat: You don't have to actually say that out loud to them, and you don't even have to understand the problem.
Ihaleakala: That's the beauty of this. You don't have to understand. It's like the Internet. You don't understand all this! You just go to the Divinity and you say, "Can we download?" and the Divinity downloads, and then you get the necessary information. But because we don't know who we are, we never download direct from the Light. We go outside.
I remember Morrnah used to say, "It's an inside job." If you want to be successful, it's an inside job. Work on yourself!
Cat: I know that 100% responsibility is the only thing that works, but I used to struggle with this stuff, because I'm an overly responsible caretaker type. When I heard you talking about 100% responsibility not just for myself, but for every situation and problem, I thought, "Whoa! This is crazy! I don't need anybody telling me to be even more responsible!"
    Yet the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there's a big difference between overly responsible caretaking, versus totally responsible self-care. One is about being a good little girl, and the other is about getting free.
    I remember you talking about the years when you were a staff psychologist at Hawaii State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. You said that when you started working there, the ward for criminals was full of violence, and when you left four years later, there was none.
Ihaleakala: Basically, I took 100% responsibility. I just worked on myself.
Cat: You said that when you worked with the inmates, they wouldn't even be there with you.
Ihaleakala: Right. I would only go into the building to check the results. If they still looked depressed, then I'd work on myself some more.
Cat: Would you tell a story about using Ho'oponopono for so-called inanimate objects?
Ihaleakala: I was in an auditorium once getting ready to do a lecture, and I was talking to the chairs. I asked, "Is there anybody I've missed? Does anyone have a problem that I need to take care of?"
One of the chairs said, "You know, there was a guy sitting on me today during a previous seminar who had financial problems, and now I just feel dead!" So I cleaned with that problem, and I could just see the chair straightening up. Then I heard, "Okay! I'm ready to handle the next guy!"
What I actually try to do is teach the room. I say to the room and everything in it, "Do you want to learn how to do Ho'oponopono? After all, I'm going to leave soon. Wouldn't it be nice if you could do this work for yourselves? Some say yes, some say no, and some say, "I'm too tired!"
Then I ask the Divinity, "If they say they would like to learn, how can I help them learn?" Most of the time, I get this: "Leave the blue book (Self I-Dentity Through Ho'oponopono) with them." So I just take the blue book out and leave it on one of the chairs or on a table while I'm talking. We don't give tables enough credit for being quiet and aware of what is going on!
Ho'oponopono is really very simple. For the ancient Hawaiians, all problems begin as thought. But having a thought is not the problem. So what's the problem? The problem is that all our thoughts are imbued with painful memories, memories of persons, places, or things.
The intellect working alone can't solve these problems, because the intellect only manages. Managing things is no way to solve problems. You want to let them go! When you do Ho'oponopono, what happens is that the Divinity takes the painful thought and neutralizes or purifies it.
You don't purify the person, place, or thing. You neutralize the energy you associate with that person, place, or thing. So the first stage of Ho'oponopono is the purification of that energy.
Now something wonderful happens. Not only does that energy get neutralized; it also gets released, so there's a brand new slate. Buddhists call it the Void. The final step is that you allow the Divinity to come in and fill the void with light.
To do Ho'oponopono, you don't have to know what the problem or error is. All you have to do is notice any problem you are experiencing physically, mentally, emotionally, whatever. Once you notice, your responsibility is to immediately begin to clean, to say, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
 Cat: So the true job of the intellect is not to solve problems, but to ask for forgiveness.
Ihaleakala: Yes. My job here on earth is twofold. My job is first of all to make amends. My second job is to awaken people who might be asleep. Almost everyone is asleep! The only way I can awaken them is to work on myself.
Our interview is an example. For weeks before our appointment today, I've been doing the clearing work, so when you and I meet, it's like two pools of water coming together. They move through and they go. That's all.
Cat: In all the years I've been doing interviews, this is the only one I didn't prepare for. Every time I checked in, my Unihipili said that I should just come and be with you. My intellect went nuts trying to convince me that I should prepare, but I didn't.
Ihaleakala: Good for you! The Unihipili can be really fun. One day I was coming down the highway in Hawaii. When I started to head toward the usual off-ramp, I heard my Unihipili say in a singing voice, "I wouldn't go down there if I were you." I thought, "But I always go there."
Then when we got closer, about fifty yards away, I heard, "Hello! I wouldn't go down there if I were you!" Second chance. "But we always go down there!"
Now I'm talking out loud and people in cars around me are looking at me like I'm crazy. About 25 yards away, I hear a loud, "I wouldn't go down there if I were you!" I went down there, and I sat for two and a half hours.
There was a huge accident. Couldn't move back, couldn't move forward. Finally, I heard my Unihipili say, "Told you!" Then it wouldn't talk to me for weeks! I mean, why talk to me if I wasn't going to listen?
I remember one time when I was going to be on television to talk about Ho'oponopono. My children heard about it and they said, "Dad, we heard you are going to be on TV. Make sure your socks match!"
They didn't care what I said. They just cared that my socks matched. See how children know the important things in life?

This interview was originally published by The New Times in September 1997.
For more information about Ho'oponopono, please visit or
For additional information about Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D., please visit
If you're wondering about the baseball cap, Ihaleakala wears it so he remembers not to be so intellectual. The background blue represents the Void, or Emptiness, and the red "P" represents Mother Earth, or the creative force, Pele.
Article reproduced with the kind pernission of healer, end of life counselor, and spiritual teacher Dr Cat Saunders- Dr
Dr Cat Saunders

The Four Things That Matter Most When You're Dying..

Ira Byock, M.D., is a nationally recognized authority in palliative and end-of-life care and longtime advocate on behalf of seriously ill people and their families.
His essays have appeared in the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal and his work has been featured on Nightline, All Things Considered, 60 Minutes, HBO’s Letting Go, and the New York Times Magazine.
This book was a revealation to me...highly regarded in the medical profession Dr Byock has integrated the Four Phrases into modern day pallative care..
The power of these four simple phrases; I Love You..I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You have never been so revealed as in his work with the terninally ill and their loved ones.
If you or anyone you know plan on dying anytime soon I urge you to read this gem first :-)

Read the Reviews Here : The Four Things That Matter Most

Or Vist Dr Byock's websites here : The Four Things That Matter The Most

And here : Dying Well

Sunday, 4 January 2015

2012 The Prophecies from The Heart 1-8

The Law of Oneness

The Law of Oneness:

This is the Law that binds us together. It states that everything and everyone in the Universe is connected. We all come from the same Divine Source-

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison.”- Albert Einstein, (1879-1955)

Every thought or action we have ever had, either positive or negative, affects everyone. If we hurt others we hurt ourselves. Nothing is separate. Separation is just an illusion we allow ourselves in order to experience what it feels like to be away from The Source-

“Quantum Physics reveals thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe” - Erwin Shrodinger, (1887-1961)


Sunday, 7 December 2014


What is passion?

Some define it as a strong feeling or emotion - a trait of being intensely emotional intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.
It is all about having a BURNING DESIRE for something - to learn a skill, to find the ideal partner, to start a business, to help other people..
Whatever it is we should all find what we are passionate about. We should find what our BURNING DESIRE in our life is.


Because we probably would have found the reason why we came here to Earth...

..our life's purpose.

When you love what you do with all your heart you are one with your higher self. When you fall in love with an idea it becomes your passion. It is the Devine Operation expressing itself through you.
You are creating for yourself and for others. Your burning desire will benefit everyone since you love it so much. It is an expression from the inner world like Thomas Troward so beautifully put it:
My mind is a center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner in me; consequently in my special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before...READ MORE HERE : Passion

Thursday, 13 November 2014


The concept of  Synchronicity was first brought to the attention of the world's scientific community in the 1920s when  it was descibed by renowned physcologist Carl Jung  as-

'Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally related. The subject sees it as a meaningful coincidence. - Wiki
But in reality synchronicity has been part of our lives since time began and the ability to recognise it and embrace it is central in Ho'oponopono practice:


We’ve all experienced moments in our lives that seem to defy explanation, moments that can’t be explained. Wonderful times when everything falls into place and the right people appear in your life exactly when they are needed. Something we recognise as more than pure luck or coincidence...
It was Carl Jung who first coined the term “Synchronicity”. He spent over 20 years of his life studying this phenomenon before publishing his thoughts-

In Jung’s view synchronistic events occur because we live in an “Synchronistic Universe”-
“A synchronistic universe balances and complements the mechanistic world of linear causality with a realm that is outside of space, time and causality. In a synchronicity, two heterogeneous world-systems, the causal and acausal, interlock and interpenetrate each other for a moment in time, which is both an expression of while creating in the field an aspect of our wholeness to manifest. The synchronistic universe is beginning-less in that we are participating in its creation right now, which is why Jung calls it “an act of creation in time.”- Paul Levy

Jung’s Synchronistic Universe theory was a radical new way of thinking which embraced linear causality while simultaneously transcending it. He overcomes the issue of causality (cause & effect, action & re-action) by stating-

“Continuous creation is to be thought of not only as a series of successive acts of creation, but also as the eternal presence of the one creative act.” - Carl Jung

I liken it to God’s over-ride button...Synchronistic events are part of our new evolutionary consciousness. Constant cleaning through the Ho’oponopono process clears the space they need to manifest in our lives. If you stay vigilant and grateful for them you will experience more and more of their wonderful effects in your lives. Their presence is also a certain sign that you are on the right path, so keep doing what you’re doing-

"Synchronicity is an inexplicable and profoundly meaningful coincidence that stirs the soul and offers a glimpse of one's destiny." - Phil Cousineau “Coincidence or Destiny?”

Extract From Ho'oponopono Secrets- Paul Jackson (2014)

carl jung synchronicity

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Ho'oponopono Secrets E-Book


A Complete Practical Guide To Successful Ho'oponopono Practice:
Everything you need to know about the Spiritual Practice that is sweeping the globe & changing the lives of all it touches...


-Beginners Guide to Ho'oponopono

-Ho'oponopono Origins & History

-Ho'oponopono Philosophy

-How & Why It Works

-Simple Step by Step Instructions

-Practical Tips for Guaranteed Success

-Sample Mantras

-Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tools


Ho’oponopono (Ho Oh Pono Pono) roughly translated as “to make right”, “to correct”, is an ancient transformational and healing technique originating in Hawaii. Its simple message of 100% responsibility, repentance, and gratitude has been changing the lives of all it touches. Originally practiced by the native Hawaiians Ho’oponopono was primarily a group based ceremony, used to solve community based problems, and disputes and it has ties and similarities to many indigenous shamanic practices found throughout the world.
The Ancient Hawaiians understood the power of the mind. Centuries before mainstream science they identified the distinction between the Conscious, Subconscious, and Super-Conscious minds, and the part they play in forming our present day circumstances.
This knowledge was considered so important that they built their whole belief system Huna (The Secret) around it..
So what exactly is Ho’oponopono? Is it really so easy? Does it work? Why does it work? How do you do it? What can it do for me?
This book will answer these questions and many more, examining its origins, development, and the philosophy that underpins it.
It will provide you with all the knowledge and information you need, guiding you through the Ho’oponopono process step by step with sample mantras so you can begin practising right away.
We’ll look at why this deceptively easy, but extremely powerful process, is changing the lives of all it touches.
And show you how it can change yours too...
Join The Ho'oponopono Community @ HO'OPONOPONO EXPLAINED Daily Articles, News & Discussion on all aspects of Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono Secrets E-Book