Showing posts with label Ho'oponopono Practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ho'oponopono Practice. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

UK Ho'oponopono Workshop

Hi Folks..for any of you that are UK based my good friend Paul Bridge is hosting a 1 day Introduction to Ho'oponopono workshop this Sunday in Bolton, with more dates and locations available throughout the year;
For full details check out the UK Ho'oponopono Facebook Group here - Intro to Ho'oponopono
Go along if you can it's a great way to meet new friends and learn a few useful techniques as well :-)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Ho'oponopono Works

Hi Folks found a fantastic website on Ho'oponopono practice by a lady called Tracey. It's packed full of practical advice and more importantly Tracey's personal experiences when first practising Ho'oponopono. Here's her introduction in her own words :

"Hooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian Art where you learn that everything that happens in your life is 100% your responsibility. Ho'oponopono through self identity, allows you to be responsible for all your actions, problems, and opportunities that come your way. By cleaning your subconscious, you open yourself up to inspiration by God or the Divine. Learn the next step to the law of attraction, and begin to change your life! Follow my story of using ho'oponopono in my life.."

Read the rest of the article on her site : Ho'oponopono Works


Dr Pam Pappas

Introducing another student of Dr Hew Len who's work and teachings are helping to spread the Ho'oponopono practice around the world; Dr Pam Pappas
Introduction in her own words;

"I'm a psychiatrist, classical homeopath, and coach -- plus a lover of nature and spirit too. I've been meditating for over 25 years; Ho'oponopono found me in 2005 and continues to be a profound gift in my life. This blog shares a little of my experience with Ho'oponopono, for anyone who might also be interested in walking this path. Much aloha to all, including my colleagues who care for others with their hands, hearts, and minds every day..." The Peaceful Doc

Her website contains over 7 years worth of Ho'oponopono information and insights and is highly recommended for anyone on the Ho'oponopono path :-)

Check it out here : THE PEACEFUL DOC

Dr Pam Pappas MD

Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono

New York Times contributor Deborah King interviews Morrnah Simeona & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len about their Ho'oponopono philosophy and work:

"We can appeal to Divinity who knows our personal blueprint, for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time," softly shares Morrnah Simeona. "It is a matter of going beyond traditional means of accessing knowledge about ourselves."

The process that Morrnah refers to is based on the ancient Hawaiian method of stress reduction (release) and problem solving called Ho'oponopono. The word Ho'oponopono means to make right, to rectify an error. Morrnah is a native Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au. Kahuna means "keeper of the secret" and Lapa'au means "a specialist in healing." She was chosen to be a kahuna while still a small child and received her gift of healing at the age of three. She is the daughter of a member of the court of Queen Liliuokalani, the last sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands. The process that is now brought forth is a modernization of an ancient spiritual cleansing ritual. It has proven so effective that she has been invited to teach this method at the United Nations, the World Health Organization and at institutions of healing throughout the world.

How does Ho'oponopono work? Morrnah explains, "We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a memory. It is the emotions which are tied to these memories which affect us now. The subconscious associates an action or person in the present with something that happened in the past. When this occurs, emotions are activated and stress is produced."

She continues..READ THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE : The Peace of I


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

How Often Do I Have To Clean ?

Let’s be very clear Ho’oponopono practice is a full time occupation, almost a state of mind. Not when you are in the mood, or have some free time. Not on Sundays, not five times a day. It is demanding and it is constant.
Different problems require varying amounts of time. Keep cleaning until they are resolved. Most become ongoing, for example, a simple room, or house cleaning petition will probably be sent once or twice a day, but it could go on indefinitely. For health issues I generally clean until the symptoms disappear, and then top up regularly with a simple gratitude based mantra. World peace, or a cure for cancer, will take a bit more time and effort...
Please note; you can very quickly find yourself overwhelmed so choose your problems wisely- no-one expects you to cure the world’s problems instantly. Each problem cleaned is a step in the right direction. Try to remember Dr Hew Len’s words- “Peace begins with me”
Unless you are at peace with yourself you can’t bring peace to others.
Paul Jackson (Ho'oponopono Secrets 2014)

Ho'oponopono Explained

Monday, 20 October 2014

Ho'oponopono & Meditiation

Give yourself the best possible chance of success- combine Ho'oponopono with Meditation and keep your mind calm and clear..
Let the Universe fill it with Love & Inspiration!
"Meditation is perfect for creating the calm, open, receptive conditions that Ho’oponopono needs to flourish. Use your daily meditative techniques in combination with your petitions to compliment the process. Combine with the breathing exercises for even better results- "Ho'oponopono Secrets" Paul Jackson 2014
“If you mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.” - Shunryu Suzuki, (1904 - 1971 )