Ho'oponopono - Hawaiian Healing Technique
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Self I-Dentity Through Ho'oponopono
states that I operate my life and my relationships according to the following insights:
1. The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality brimming with LOVE.
4. I am 100% responsible for creating my physical universe the way it is.
5. I am 100% responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that create a diseased reality.
6. "There is no such thing as out there." Everything exists as thoughts in my mind and their feelings in my body.
THE BASIS OF Ho'oponopono:
We are 100% Responsible For The Problems of Others Who Come Be4 Us
To be an effective problem solver, the practitioner must be willing to be 100% responsible for having created the problem situation; that is, he or she must be willing to see that the source of the problem are erroneous thoughts & their feelings within him or her and are not within the 'other' person.
The practitioner of Ho'op & EFT Combo realizes that all whom they encounter and experience in life that APPEARS to be OUT THERE in their environment are in fact, THEIR OWN MIRROR.
Being 100% responsible THEN, for actualizing the problem, as acted out by 'an other', allows the practitioner to be 100% responsible for resolving it.
Using the updated Ho'oponopono & EFT Combo approach, a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation occurs as the practitioner, CLEARS erroneous beliefs they are holding about them self or life in general. Using EFT 's ancient tapping and reprogramming method NOW, and HEALING THEMSELVES thoroughly and through all sense of time, using HO'OPONOPONO.
*Documented results have shown that as a simultaneous side effect, the 'other person' who was acting out the problem or illness simultaneously is ALSO having erroneous thoughts (decisions they have made about LIFE ITSELF) and their accompanying feelings transmuted into thoughts and feelings of pure LOVE and optimum health as a result.
*Excerpts below from Article republished with permission from: Living Natural Magazine October 1999
"The updated version of Ho'oponopono was developed by Kahuna Lapa'au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len has been practicing the updated Ho'oponopono technique since November of 1982.
He was taught the process by Kahuna Lapa'au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, who was designated a Living Treasure of Hawaii in 1983. Dr. Hew Len was staff psychologist in the forensic unit for the criminally mentally ill at Hawaii State Hospital for several years.
He has taught the updated Ho'oponopono around the world and at the United Nations several times. Dr. Len has a doctorate from the University of Iowa.
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