Monday 28 September 2015

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Here are a few inspirational quotes, from the 13th century Persian sage and poet Rumi, that I think are particularly relevant to Ho'oponopono practice-

"What a relief to by empty! Then God can live your life."

"The quieter you become the more you are able to hear."

"Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

"Out beyond ideas of right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there."

Courtesy of Rumi Quotes


Ho'oponopono Connections

Hi folks.. I'm afraid I've had to disable the instant messenger function on the site as it was slowing the loading time too much.
I'm moving the social side of HO'OPONOPONO EXPLAINED onto my Facebook Page Ho'oponopono Secrets
So if you'd like to join the community just click the link below..everybody of course is welcome :-)
Peace & Love :-)
Ho'oponopono Secrets

Promote your Page too

Do The Ho'oponopono..


UK Ho'oponopono Workshop

Hi Folks..for any of you that are UK based my good friend Paul Bridge is hosting a 1 day Introduction to Ho'oponopono workshop this Sunday in Bolton, with more dates and locations available throughout the year;
For full details check out the UK Ho'oponopono Facebook Group here - Intro to Ho'oponopono
Go along if you can it's a great way to meet new friends and learn a few useful techniques as well :-)

Ho'oponopono and Reincarnation

Ho'oponopono & Reincarnation:

Like the majority of spritual practices and religions, Ho’oponopono practitioners believe that we are all eternal, spiritual beings, incarnating here on earth in physical form in order to learn and progress spiritually.
This can take many lifetimes to achieve, and we do it by learning to overcome obstacles in this life in a loving and compassionate manner. Each incarnation is presented to us as an opportunity to evolve spiritually, the latest in a long line of lives stretching back many eons-
Ho’oponopono takes this idea one giant leap further, suggesting that we not only carry with us all the memories and experiences of this life, but also those from all our past lives as well !
Just like childhood traumas and incidents can affect us today so too can these long forgotten deeply suppressed memories of lifetimes past. It is only by addressing these long forgotten issues that we can ever hope to achieve peace in this life-time ...Extracted From Ho'oponopono Secrets
"I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums. All my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me. Oh, incalculable times again shall I be born." - Jack London, (1876-1916) [28]
"There is no death. How can there be death if everything is part of the Godhead? The soul never dies and the body is never really alive."- Isaac Bashevis Singer, (1902-1991) [29]


Hawaiian Spirituality

Partly due to it's worldwide spread, and it's similarities to many indigenous religions around the world, it's easy to forget Ho'oponopono's Hawaiian roots.
Here's is a fascinating and revealing article on the origins and history of Hawaiian spirtuality:


Long before the Warrior

Clans of Tahitians reached Hawaii’s shores in 1299 A.D., and certainly before the traders and missionaries from the West discovered this strategic cluster of islands, the Ancient Hawaiians had evolved into a society that had it’s own spiritual values and practices in place.  These values refined in their simplicity and pragmatism, reflected the natural sensibilities that had also developed in other isolated pockets of the globe.  These Universal values shared a heightened awareness of the Self being connected to every part of everything.  And the Ancient Hawaiians nurtured the teachings and daily practices of One-ness and Self-greatness, known as the Aloha Spirit and that the connection to One-ness included those dearly departed, from the physical dimension, having “changed address,” from human to spirit-wholeness, as is the simple Hawaiian reference for changing from physical to spirit transition,  and onto the new beginnings…to include serving as spiritual guides..

Ancient teachings

A journey that started many life-times ago, and in the now, one continues free will, choosing to embrace, nurture and practice the timeless values for daily experiences rooted in Aloha-love, the ancient teachings promoting respect, goodness for self and others, all the while placing self in alignment with one of several Universal laws.  And to “reconnect” to the Universal laws and one’s true identity.

Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala

Is the belief system and method for “making right more right, the path.” Many are surprised to learn about this form of Ho’opono pono rooted in the Aloha Spirit rather than of the Christian and Western adaptation for “conflict resolutions.”...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Article Extract Courtesy of- Mahealani Kuamo'o-Henry, Kumu 'Elele o Na Kupuna

Ho'oponopono For Christians

One of the many appealing aspects of the Ho'oponopono technique is it's ability to work alongside a practitioners existing belief system. This is beautifully captured in May Beswick's new book Ho'oponopono For Christians now available on Kindle:
May Beswick
Other books on this subject:
The Christian Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Practice by Angela Parish

Self-Healing With Ho'oponopono

For those new to Ho'oponopono I recommend reading this excellent article on Self-Healing using the Ho'oponopono process courtesy of Vicky Coombes :
"Between the full and the next new moon is the time of letting go, cutting away, releasing and reflection. The moon is waning and her influence gradually weakens. Now is not the time for planting new ideas but contemplating what has been achieved in the previous few weeks and reflecting on what can be allowed to go. Without an empty space we cannot allow anything new to take root or blossom.
The Ancient Hawaiian art of Ho’Oponopono is a simple and transformational healing method that lends itself  to a time of letting go, (but practicing it all the time by anyone who is trying to self-heal is even better!)
Ho’Oponopono means ‘to make right’ or ‘to rectify an error’.
The Ancients believed that making ourselves right with the people in our life leads to inner peace and happiness.
It’s effective and will bring results for anyone but can be especially helpful as well if you have suffered any anxiety, fear or panic in your life...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Monday 23 March 2015

Ho'oponopono Friends

The individual nature of Ho'oponopono practice can sometimes lead to one feeling islolated and alone-
And even though we might understand that this is just part of the illusion, and that in reality we are never alone..never separate from our Divine Source, the feelings of separation and loneliness are quite real..

If you are experiencing any of these challenges I urge you to connect with a Ho'oponopono community group. There are loads out there and all by their very nature are extremely friendly and welcoming to new members.

I've listed a few that I belong to below to get you started :-)

UK Ho'oponopono Facebook Group - Ran by Paul Bridge

Embrace Your Ho'oponopono - Ran by Saul Maraney

Ho'oponopono Facebook Group

Ho'oponopono Lovers - Ran by Erika L. Soul

Ho'oponopono Secrets - My Ho'oponopono Facebook Page

Spanish Ho'oponopono Facebook Group - Ran by Ceci Richard

Ho'oponopono Lovers Cleaning Room - Ran by Erika L. Soul

UK Huna Facebook Group - Ran by Aloha Gary


Saturday 7 February 2015

Ho'oponopono Community App

Hi Guys pleased to announce the launch of my FREE Ho'oponopono Community App :-)

Download the Android Version from Google Play or the HTML5 version HERE and join the Ho'oponopono Community..

Everything you need to know about Ho'oponopono practice at your fingertips..

100% FREE with Weekly Updates..

All Welcome :-)

For a full description of the many features click here : HO'OPONOPONO COMMUNITY APP

Hooponopono App

Sunday 25 January 2015

The Law of Gender

The last of the 12 Universal Laws; The Law of Gender.

There are two parts to this law-

The First states that everything in nature has a masculine and feminine, Ying and Yang. Both are vital and equally important. Again the goal is to allow us to experience both, and to find a balance between them.

The Second governs creation in the physical world and states that everything has a gestation period, even thoughts. Nothing in this world happens instantly. It takes nine months for a baby to be born. An oak seed will take a little longer. When we have a thought we plant a seed in the Universe. And like everything in nature only by nurturing that seed will we see it grow.
Most people give up if they don’t see instant results. Don’t give up on your dreams and goals. Be assured that they are growing, and manifesting their way into your life. All you have to do is nurture them, and try to remember-

“Everything comes to you in the right moment, be patient”. - [anon]

Law of Gender

Sunday 18 January 2015

Raise Your Vibration With Gratitude

One of the fundamental aspects of Ho'oponopono practice is the requirement that we stay positive and in as high a state of vibrational energy as possible. The stress and strain of everyday living makes this easier said than done: I'll be addressing this issue in a series of articles over the few weeks and looking at techiniques that will not only help us raise our vibrationary level but keep it there..


"You are not starving to death somewhere.   You have clean water to drink.  You have a roof to sleep under.  But on top of the endless list of things you could be grateful for, here is something to think about.  You are on a massive rock whirling around a ball of fire at a speed of 108,000 kph. The sun itself is whizzing along the outskirts of the galactic arm at a rate of 792,000 km/h,  and our Milky Way galaxy itself is moving at almost 1 million kph.  Nobody knows what caused the universe, why it is here, why/how subjectivity or consciousness exists, or how life formed out of dead inert matter in the first place.  I personally believe there is an Intelligence behind it all, but whatever your beliefs may be, here is the most amazing fact of all:

13.6 billion years of star formation and destruction, of chemical evolution, of biological evolution, of countless miraculous events that led to the formation of plants, moons, and ultimately to conscious beings took place so that YOU could experience this moment.  Right now.  The universe went through all of this so it could experience itself through your perspective.  YOU are a f**king miracle.  Life is so amazing.  Look outside.  Here the birds.  Feel the wind.   You are on a planet in outer space, and nobody knows how or why anything exists at all.  Take a look at your friends, your loved ones, and just sit with the internal realization that everything around you is literally a miracle.  We so often forget how lucky we are to experience anything at all.  Taking a moment to remember the preciousness of life is something that always brings your energetic state to a completely new level." Steven Bancarz

- Article Source: Spirit, Science & Metaphysics
practice gratitude

Saturday 17 January 2015

Ho'oponopono - Heal Your Life and Your Environment!

Interesting article here from Patricia Anaya on her experiences when first using the Ho'oponopono process...I love hearing first hand accounts from other Ho'oponopono practioners; if you would like to share your own experiences on this blog just get in touch :-)
Anyway here's Patricia's story:
"I like to visit a Law of Attraction forum every day. A lot of wise people give their opinions and advice there. I've learned a lot from them! Also, I visit this forum to find out what kind of personal "issues" people are struggling with. Three months ago, I saw a forum called "Ho'oponopono," and I didn't recognize the subject matter, so I didn't open it.
Last week I was reading a book called, "Attract Money Now" by Joe Vitale. In the last - bonus - chapter he writes about "Ho'oponopono," which prompted me to re-visit the forum I saw and read it. While I was reading the book - a digital version - I was also reading my e-mails too. I was struggling with one of my customers (and friend) about some changes (changes, changes and more changes!) on his work. I decided to tell him what I thought about the changes by writing him a very polite but critical e-mail, explaining what I thought he should do. I was afraid he may get mad at me - so as I pushed the send button, I repeated these words: "I'm sorry and I love you" a few times. I'd just read about "Ho'oponopono" and Joe Vitale wrote about an experience with an e-mail in his book. Five minutes later, I got an e-mail from my customer with these words: "I love you when you boss me"... saying understood my e-mail. I was "shocked"... and I read the e-mail over and over again.
When authors write about these types of occurrences or about "miracles" in their lives, I have my doubts about them, like most of you, but when I noticed how many "miracles" have been happening in my life since I'm living on Happiness every day (and practicing the Law of Attraction), I need to allow them some credit...." continued here: FULL ARTICLE
inspirational thoughts

Friday 16 January 2015

The Law of Rhythm

This week Universal Law number 11- The Law of Rhythm
Law of Rhythm: Everything in the Universe vibrates and moves in certain rhythms-
“Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."- The Kybalion
These rhythms form the cycles and patterns we see in our lives; the rise and fall of our nations and economies, “The Circle of Life” as they call it in the movie “The Lion King”.
By remembering that the pendulum always swings back, we can view the events in our lives in a more balanced way-
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”- Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday 7 January 2015


A lovely example of a ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono prayer from Morrnah Simeona courtesy of Star

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as one …

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness … 

Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light...
And it is done..."


Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Continuing with our look at the Laws of the Universe; This week the Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy -

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: This little known law is at the very core of Ho’oponopono. It states that each of us has the ability to change the circumstances of our lives.
Higher vibrations always have the power to consume and transmute lower vibrations. We are never trapped no matter the circumstances of our lives. The Universe always allows us the opportunity to grow and evolve and is constantly giving us opportunities to do so. All we have to do is raise our vibration and take action.

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”- Albert Einstein  (1879-1955)

If you are on the right path, if you face each day with love and compassion then The Divine will give you all the help and assistance you need- Be sure of that...


Readers' Favourite Review For Ho'oponopono Secrets

Hi Guys really pleased to have recieved a 5 Star review for my new E-Book Ho'oponopono Secrets from the popular book review site Reader's Favourite
I'm so happy the love is spreading..
You too can do your bit by sharing this post with any of your friends who might not have heard of Ho'oponopono...Peace :-)

Completed on:
Review Rating:
5 stars!
Reviewed By Suzanne Cowles for Readers’ Favorite What would you do if you could wash away all of the negative energy that plagues our lives each day? This karmic debt leads to physical illness, stress and unhappiness. The ancient Hawaiians knew the secret to living a fulfilling existence; it began with gratitude, simple compassion for others and practicing meditation daily. The mistakes we make are learning tools, but sometimes they can have an effect on others. Ho’oponopono is a way to release that bad energy and make amends. Anyone can say, “Thank you, I love you, I’m sorry and please forgive me”, but few understand the real power of doing so. Ho’oponopono Secrets: Four Phrases to Change the World One Love to Bind Them by Paul Jackson explains in easy to digest fashion how to make the world a better place. Taking responsibility for our actions begins with careful examination, self-reflection and being in a state of acceptance. Yet being conscious is more than just chanting mantras and touching others’ lives. We need to clear our minds of guilt, so that the connection to a Higher Power can flourish. Ho’oponopono Secrets: Four Phrases to Change the World One Love to Bind Them by Paul Jackson provides a guide to using this ancient spiritual practice in everyday life, and why it is so important in today’s age. As we move out of the technological age and reconnect as human beings, we need community and transformational healing. I really enjoyed reading about the philosophy and twelve Universal Laws that encompass the spiritual practice, and cannot wait to get started making right the wrong actions from the past.Check Out The Full Review Here : Ho’oponopono Secrets Review

Serge Kahili King

Continuing with our look at the teachers whose love, dedication and hard work has helped spread the wisdom of Ho'oponopono around the globe; This week Huna Teacher and Shaman; Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King, Ph. D., has published the world's largest selection of books and tapes on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. He also writes extensively on Hawaiian culture and is a novelist as well. Critics describe his style as "practical, down-to-earth, and easy to grasp." He maintains this clarity in his books, his audio and video tapes, and his articles...
Read Full Bio Here: Serge Kahili King BioSerge Kahili King

Law of Relativity

Happy New Year & Peace To All; First post of 2015 continuing with our look at the 12 Universal Laws-

The Law of Relativity: All things are relative. Nothing is good or bad unless we make it so-
It just is...

Nothing in our lives has any meaning unless it relates to us. Everything that exists in this physical world only does so because of it's relationship with something else; We can't experience Hot without knowing Cold, Up without Down, Light without Dark..

The lessons we set ourselves in this life are based around this law. How could we empathise with someone who has lost a child if we had never known loss ourselves? How could we comfort a friend with a broken heart if we hadn’t experienced the same?

Of course we don’t experience all these losses/lessons in this lifetime alone that would be overwhelming. We do though carry the memories of our previous lives experiences with us as we progress.

This is why you can feel such strong empathy, even grief, for someone who has lost a child. For though you might not have lost one yourself in this life, you can be pretty sure you have suffered this tragedy yourself in one of your past incarnations...


Ho'oponopono Works

Hi Folks found a fantastic website on Ho'oponopono practice by a lady called Tracey. It's packed full of practical advice and more importantly Tracey's personal experiences when first practising Ho'oponopono. Here's her introduction in her own words :

"Hooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian Art where you learn that everything that happens in your life is 100% your responsibility. Ho'oponopono through self identity, allows you to be responsible for all your actions, problems, and opportunities that come your way. By cleaning your subconscious, you open yourself up to inspiration by God or the Divine. Learn the next step to the law of attraction, and begin to change your life! Follow my story of using ho'oponopono in my life.."

Read the rest of the article on her site : Ho'oponopono Works
