Monday 20 October 2014

Freedom From Karma ?

One of the major benefits of Ho'oponopono practice is it's ability to resolve Karmic debt in this lifetime. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy underpins this core belief in Ho'oponopono.
This little known law is at the very core of Ho’oponopono. It states that each of us has the ability to change the circumstances of our lives. Higher vibrations have the power to consume and transmute lower vibrations. We are never trapped or stuck no matter the circumstances of our lives.
The Universe always allows us the opportunity to grow and evolve and improve any situation we might find ourselves in no matter any past mistakes..Karma isn't a punishement..If we have identified, addressed, and resolved a particular mistake we've made in this life or any other and learned from it then we can move on..the Universe doesn't hold grudges..We have the tools and the opportunites to do this right now.. by ourselves.
All we have to do is raise our vibration...higher vibrations (feelings) will always overwhelm and transmute lower vibrations...The Ho'oponopono technique is employed to carry out this transmution (cleaning) and if
used correctly and constantly can give you tremendous control over the direction of your life.


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